DR.ME is proudly imported from United States and internationally distributed by SKINS CHOICE CENTRE. The entire DR.ME’s range of production facility is of world class standard and stringent manufacturing procedures.
SKINS CHOICE CENTRE is committed to sourcing and using only the finest, natural ingredients of the highest quality available, together with strict adherence to best manufacturing practices. All ingredients used conform to British Pharmaceutical (BP) and US Pharmaceutical (USP) standards as identified in the International Cosmetic Ingredient Directory.
Product testing is carried out by independent, analytical, approved laboratories.
SKINS CHOICE CENTRE was established in 1993 and now has a solid foundation on which to expand. It’s continued expanded growth and success due to the exceptional quality of the products and the universal appeal to customers & clients. SKINS CHOICE CENTRE owns the registered trade mark “DR.ME” and retains its distribution right to the DR.ME’s range of skin care products.
Contact us for all sales and distribution enquiries.